The helmet for cycling-the floating buoy for wild swimming?!
It is already obligatory for many outdoor swimming events and is recommended to any responsible Openwater swimmer: the floating buoy. Baywatch fans know floating buoys still from the TV. The buxom Pamela Anderson and the sometimes also privately “moist-cheerful” David-Hasslehoff plunged daring into the floods. Today’s specimens – floating buoys mind you – have learned to do so. In essence, there are currently two systems in the market that have prevailed. The one-demonstrated here on patterns, the world leader Swim360-combines the advantages of a safety device with that of a dry bag.
The floating buoy offers visible advantages
On open waters, the mostly coloured buoys provide good visibility. This is particularly important if you are moving to regions where shipping is to be expected. A freestyle swimmer, for example, has a very limited angle of view and is often difficult to spot in the water. Even if swimmers are to be visually tracked and monitored by observers, this is much easier with the colourful buoys.
The floating buoy offers buoyancy
These swim Buoys have enough buoyancy through an integrated air chamber to hold a float that sticks to them over water. Cramps can be very easy, especially with long swimming distances and/or cold water temperatures. Then it’s reassuring to be able to hold on, rest and “Relax” somewhere. Even in the case of other unvorhersehrbaren/unforeseen incidents, this is a safety plus not to be underestimated. Not only children, but also experienced pool swimmers (tile counters) are not immune to irritation and panic attacks in unfamiliar open water. Be it in the sea by jellyfish, in freshwater by touching underwater obstacles such as creepers or branches. Sometimes you just want to take a break without having to constantly tread water…
The floating buoy offers transport capacity
In addition to visibility and safety, floating buoys of this type are also available with transportability and transport capacity. Together they hardly take up space and yet offer an interesting additional function. Above, the air chamber, which is responsible for the buoyancy, still have storage space, depending on the size of the model. This is abgeschotet by a proven Rollknick waterproof seal waterproof seal
The handling of these floating buoys is extremely simple: roll out. The things that are to be kept dry stow away. Inflate the air chamber. Close the roll buckle and waist belt. The buoy floats in the water. It is retracted in about a metre of distance, thus hindering neither the breast nor the crawl. In fact, the floating buoy – except in the case of really strong sesames or wind – does not feel at all – even in a laden state.
The floating buoy follows you conspicuously
Jerk-Zuck inflated: Restube
If safety and compactness are more important to you when swimming in open water than additional storage space, then the rebars buoy is right for you. With a waist belt, the small pocket in which the folded buoy and the co-2 cartridge are located is barely up. In case of an emergency, a train reaches the trigger, the buoy fills with the gas and offers enough buoyancy to be able to support it comfortably. A principle that is known from the self-inflatable life jackets from the airplane or the Alpine ABS avalanche backpacks. This makes them interesting not only for open water swimmers, but also for everyone else who is important in and in water safety such as (sea) kayakers, surfers, sailors and outdoors. Most of the open water swimmers I know, however, usually carry the reposition in already inflated condition. The Resttube also offers the advantages of better visibility and buoyancy, but no transport capacity. With high waves and strong winds, the relatively low-resistance transport at the hip can offer advantages. This also applies to swimming in larger groups, as swimmers do not get tangled due to the elimination of harness. Whichever system you choose – for anything that goes beyond wild dips, a floating buoy is certainly a worthwhile purchase!
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