Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class '' not found in /home/.sites/618/site7905782/web/alpine-swimming.com/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324 My new book is here: “Wild Swimming Alps” – Alpine Swimming

My new book is here: “Wild Swimming Alps”

Since April 26, “Wild Swimming Alps” is available everywhere, where books are sold. In the post are a few samples from the print PDFs and the first book reviews are already there, for example. these on Amazon.de or those of “Bellevue”, the magazine of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

“Wild Swimming Alps” as a buying tip

Also for “Kosmos”, the magazine of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, my book in issue no. 19 was worth a buy. It seems that it has paid off that I visited more than 200 wild swimming and bathing sites last year, and of those, I describe 150 in my book. Sometimes although many spots were certainly awesome there was – for whatever reason – swimming or swimming ban. For ecological or safety reasons, I did not include some other locations in the book and paid attention to a colorful mix of challenge and convenience spots – and that in these five Alpine countries:

With QR codes safely to your destination

Instead of detailed maps, QR codes are used in this book. So you can download the required map tiles in advance, at home or on the go, get additional information about nearby POIs and even start a precise navigation. In the e-book version of the book, direct map links to OpenStreetmap maps are deposited for technical reasons.

Also Wild Swimming Dos & Don’ts are not forgotten

In order for wildswimming to be and remain the “gentle way of swimming” as opposed to energy-eating and “chemical” swimming in public baths, some basic rules of conduct are required. I will address these in the book as well as the basics of safety in and around the waters. 


Get “Wild Swimming Alps” for € 22.95 in your bookstore!

I would be very happy to count you as one of my readers. If you buy the book anywhere (for example, Amazon, Thalia, etc. online bookstores), where reviews are possible, then I am of course happy if you write a five star review – this would support me very much. I wish you a lot of fun with “Wild Swimming Alps” and thank the publisher Haffmans & Tolkemitt for the trust placed in me.